(Part of the #best09 series)
There were quite a few things that got me to grow this year. I would say
above all else, it was moving out of my great-grandmother’s house this spring.
My time living with her started off fine, but eventually her refusal to
respect my privacy and asking the same questions, again and again, got tiring
and finally it came to a head. It didn’t help that I had to scream half of
what I said due to her poor hearing. At least I know if I live past 90,
my vocal cords will outlast the rest of my body…
One can argue living with her through all of 2008 was in itself the challenge
I needed. I could go on and on.
Anyway, as much as I hated moving back with my mom for a while, the time had come
and I was at peace again for a while.