Revisiting 2018 (Profanity and racism)

Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C. Author: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

A little over seven years to the day, I wrote an article titled Profanity and racism: an example of how not to lead here on Rant Roulette. It was about the comments of one Donald J. Trump who somehow found his way into the White House. His comments on immigration caught the attention of CNN. I’ll quote these comments again here:

Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries … We should have more people from Norway.

(Pardon the profanity, but this is what he said.) This is arguably the least of his missteps.

I haven’t forgotten about this, even if most people have. At the time I wrote, in part:

Supposedly, DJT also referred to Haiti with this profane word. Norway is mostly people of fairer skin, as is most of the population of the Scandinavian countries. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that human excrement also tends to be darker shades of brown.

This kind of remark goes beyond any possible boundary of human decency and is completely unacceptable by someone who is supposed to represent our country as its leader. The use of a profane word only serves to underscore the lack of intelligence of the person who uttered it, and for an elected official, let alone the (nominally) elected leader of our country, to say this kind of thing is downright un-American. This is the single most un-American thing DJT has said.

Dare I say it, this aged rather well. DJT said and did some more un-American things later in his term, though I do think he topped himself by dismantling the framework Obama had left behind to deal with an epidemic or pandemic, making the COVID-19 pandemic much worse here than it should have been. In some respects, we are still not completely back to normal.

And what did the people do this past November? They proved H. L. Mencken’s rather famous statement quite true: “No one in this world, so far as I know… has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.” (This is the same statement often misattributed to P. T. Barnum.)

Our Founding Fathers never explicitly forbade felons from being elected to a Federal office. They figured people would be smart enough not to vote for someone with a criminal record such as DJT’s. Someone who actively encouraged a violent attempt at overthrowing our government. Actually, what DJT did came dangerously close to treason. It definitely crossed far over the line of what’s considered acceptable conduct by a president, especially one leaving office.

Apparently, here in 2024 and now 2025, they were wrong. Dare I say it, our education system has failed us. In the interest in getting voter turnout up, we have made it trivially easy for people to register to vote (see the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 a.k.a. the “Motor Voter” Act). In some states, you don’t even have to register at all. The consequence of that is a lot of people who really don’t understand the issues voting for whoever looks better on TV.

He shouldn’t be there again. But he is. And those of us who knew better and voted for Kamala Harris still have to deal with the fallout.

I’m not sure how to fix this, other than maybe:

  1. The parties doing a better job of keep candidates like DJT off the ballot to begin with; and
  2. Better education, both of future voters and current voters (specifically, going back to the way things were and requiring clear labeling of commentary versus actual news reports).

Maybe there are other things we could do. I know DJT did far worse than referring to countries with primarily darker-skinned inhabitants as “shithole countries”, but it’s something no other occupant of the office of president had done before and is definitely conduct unbecoming of the office of President of the United States. It’s something I’m sure DJT wishes we’d forget, along with the many other instances of conduct unbecoming throughout his first term.

And that’s why I’m reblogging this: I’ll do everything I can to be sure it isn’t forgotten.

The weirdest presidential election in my lifetime

And I thought the Bush-Gore election of 2000 was surreal, since it took a Supreme Court ruling to decide it (or steal it, more likely). No, this one makes the nightmare of hanging chads and butterfly ballots look like a perfectly sane, normal election year. Today, we go straight off the rails into the Twilight Zone.

Sometime this afternoon, all the major news outlets (I think starting with PBS, but eventually followed by CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc) called the election for Biden. The writing was on the wall when the predictions showed Biden with 253 electoral votes and both Nevada (6) and Arizona (11) likely to be won by Biden, making exactly 270 electoral votes and barely enough to win. PBS had called Arizona for Biden sooner than the other networks, but then it became obvious that Pennsylvania would turn blue along with them, easily making it a Biden victory unless something really screwy happens in the legal arena.

But no, in case you are wondering, that is emphatically not where we go straight off the rails into the Twilight Zone. That is here as evidenced by the following tweets:

(Original text mentioned only Four Seasons, leading most to believe it would be the hotel.)

(News articles covering this: The Mirror (UK), The Mary Sue, Huffington Post, among many others I’m sure)

The news media had a field day with this, for obvious reasons. I had to double check to make sure the story wasn’t from one of those joke/spoof/satire websites. I mean, this has The Onion or The Babylon Bee written all over it. But no, this is the real thing. This actually happened: a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, not the famous hotel. Next to an adult novelty/book store, across the street from a crematorium. Perhaps the dumpiest place to have a presser.

That this is perhaps the perfect metaphor for DJT’s entire tenure as occupant of the office of president is not lost on me. (At least I hope it is his entire tenure, he has mentioned running in 2024 and I really, really hope we have enough smart people to ensure he does not get re-elected.) This is someone who has his name on resorts and hotels. That he couldn’t just use one of his own hotels speaks volumes, and is perhaps a telltale sign we’ve been dealing with a much bigger fraud than most would believe.

What’s most worrisome to me, though, is what the orange guy with a dead rat on his head can do as a lame duck president. To be honest, a lot of the questionable decisions he has made and things he has said make me wonder if he didn’t intend to tank any chances at re-election from day one. I head read or heard that the original plan was to run, lose, and profit from the book deal. Unfortunately I can’t find the source anymore but this certainly passes the smell test for the Trump way of doing things.

Buckle your seat belts, America. The plane hasn’t landed yet and we are headed for what may be some real turbulence.

One nation, circling the toilet, with prison and injustice for too many

Before I get into the topic at hand, I want to set something straight. The five months since I’ve last posted to this blog have been bad. I mean, really bad. The election of DJT by a minority of the people, thanks to this outdated means of electing a president called the Electoral College, has been a disaster for this country.

I saw a campaign fueled by hate of those of different races and religions, and by ridicule of those with differing abilities. I held out hope that decency would prevail, and as much as I really didn’t want her either, that Hillary Rodham Clinton would be our 45th President and 2016 would be a history-making year as the first time a First Lady was elected to be president herself. (I really wanted Bernie Sanders. A lot of those who wouldn’t dare vote for Hillary, from what I have heard, would have voted for Bernie.)

I made a fully informed vote, as much as voting Democrat in Texas could possibly matter, and voted for Hillary. Unfortunately, DJT was seen as the protest vote by way too many for that to possibly matter, here in Texas and the other states that traditionally lean red or swing.

The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, in spite of his predatory history and his demeanor on the stand, is the most nauseating and infuriating failure of the Senate I have seen in my entire life. The votes of John Cornyn and Ted Cruz in favor of confirmation honestly make me a bit ashamed to be a Texan (the latter is, by the way, up for election this year, and you can help vote him out if you live in Texas).

I’m ashamed to be an American when we have a so-called president that the other world leaders at a UN meeting actually laughed at. The President of the United States should never be in a position to be laughed at by other world leaders. To do that, (s)he should act like a world leader. Clearly, DJT didn’t do that at this UN meeting. Clearly, the people that voted for him, whose votes actually counted to swing the ass-backwards Electoral College vote in favor of him (despite Hillary clearly being the popular vote winner), didn’t think this through and did not realize just who DJT really was prior to the election (and still is today).

To me, it says everything that we haven’t even seen his tax returns yet. Honestly, I’m starting to think we never will, and that is unfortunate. The vast majority of candidates for president have had no issue with this. The swing state voters elected a pig in a poke. And we still have, from a financial standpoint, a pig in a poke sitting in The White House, at least the nominal leader of our country (though, clearly, he has done a very poor job of behaving like a leader).

I know a lot of people do not like to talk about politics. But there is simply too much at stake in the elections this year to not talk about politics. The Republicans have had their chance, and they’ve blown it. I hope as many of you as possible can join me this November in sending them a message they won’t forget, by voting Democrat for every seat where there’s a Democratic candidate. Together, we can get our country back out of the toilet bowl before it completely goes down the drain.

The biggest etiquette blunder ever made by a US president?

A lot has been going on in the last couple of weeks, both in my life personally and in the news. My unintentional leave of absence could be said to be somewhat ill-timed, but the flip side of that was that the most prominent news story of the month, the Parkland, Florida, school shooting, has had plenty of time to develop. Oh, and develop it did. Next week, probably earlier rather than later, I may post about other aspects of the story. But for now, I’m going to focus on, as the title implies, a huge blunder made by the minority-elected “buffoon-in-chief” I refer to as DJT.

Among others, The New Civil Rights Movement covered this photo op that DJT went to in Florida, even though he wasn’t wanted. From the story:

Donald Trump left Washington D.C. on Friday to visit victims of the country’s latest mass shooting in Florida, although he wasn’t wanted, resulting in a new header photo for the president’s Twitter account.

Let’s step back a bit. Were this Barack Obama, or just about any other president in recent memory save for Richard Nixon, the reaction might have been different and at the least, the president’s presence would not have been specifically shunned even if not openly welcomed.

What I can read into this, though, is it’s quite likely DJT went down there mainly for the photo op. Damn the cost to the taxpayers, DJT’s got to feed his ego, right?

There are moments I’m proud to be an American. Seeing this weasel go and, er, weasel his way into Florida at the taxpayer’s expense, definitely is not one of them.

After the president told reporters that he saw some of those injured by a 19-year old gunman who killed 17 people and wounded 14 others on Wednesday, he praised doctors, law enforcement officials and first responders.

Trump subsequently ignored a reporter asking about the nation’s gun laws, but soon weighed in on his tone deaf visit via Twitter:

If you read the story linked above, it mentions that DJT didn’t mention any of the victims by name or age. Knowing what we know of DJT, it’s possible he made the whole thing up about talking to the victims. I wouldn’t put it past him. DJT is all about soaking up the good PR and feeding his ego, but when it actually comes down to doing the job of President of the United States, he folds like a poker player who knows he’s beat. It’s crazy. I know the personality. I’ve dealt with it before on a much smaller scale.

But let’s get back to that picture and the original story I linked to above. Of all things to do in this photo op, DJT decides to smile and do a thumbs-up gesture.

Fourteen kids and three adults are dead as a result of this violence. And DJT decides to do a thumbs up.

He gets asked a question about whether it’s time to change our nation’s gun laws. He dodges that question, so he can get to this photo op and do a thumbs up after seventeen innocent people lost their lives.

Those are the values of our Weasel-in-Chief. “Screw the country, this is all about me. Here’s a thumbs-up. I don’t care if seventeen people died and that it’s tacky to do this photo op with a thumbs-up like we’re opening a car dealership. I’m president, you’re not, so screw you.” It may as well have been a middle finger. That’s no doubt how at least some, if not most or all, of the surviving relatives are feeling about this thumbs-up if they found out about it.

These things together (the photo op, the thumbs-up, the whole “I look like I’m shooting a photo op for a used car lot opening” smile) all combine to show the intelligence and social grace of a very stupid worm. Not that it even matters due to the way we elected our president in 2016, but I’m so glad I didn’t vote for this bonehead. What is pictured in this photo is tasteless and disgusting. Actually, I take that back. It’s beyond tasteless and disgusting; it’s DJT’s biggest failure in etiquette as a president, possibly the biggest failure in etiquette ever by a sitting US president.

As repulsive as they may be, these photos need to be preserved. They should be preserved so we, the American people, know never to let this happen again: both an incident of violence such as the one that happened in Parkland, and the election by a minority of the worst excuse for a president this country has known at least since Richard Nixon, if not in its entire 240+ year existence.

Can we impeach him already, please?

Profanity and racism: an example of how not to lead

This has to stop somewhere and somehow. I know I haven’t been the most active in writing about this flimsy excuse for an administration, but this simply cannot be ignored. This post will have profanity in it, but only because I’m quoting our supposed “leader” here in the US.

Continue reading Profanity and racism: an example of how not to lead