As much as I have written about government issues, I haven’t written much about my positions on upcoming elections. This one is a big one with a lot at stake, though, so I need to weigh in on a few of the races (not all of them).
First is the election for Harris County Constable Precinct 1. I am officially endorsing Alan Rosen for this position; his past experience and the list of other endorsements (including the Houston Police Officer’s Union, former Houston mayor Lee Brown, and four members of Houston City Council) leads me to believe he is the best candidate for the position. (By contrast, the majority of Joe Danna’s short list of endorsements are from people within the Republican party; see for yourself.) I also support Alan’s creation and enforcement of a new ethics policy and his endeavor to have a work environment with fair and equal treatment for all employees (from the LWV Houston guide). This is a big one for me, as even though I currently do not live in Precinct 1, I am frequently traveling through it. Unfortunately, you have to actually live in the precinct to vote in the election.
Next, the election for Harris County Constable Precinct 2. I endorse Chris Diaz, primarily for his plan to maximize efficiency among the various local law enforcement agencies.
On to the Metro referendum regarding the General Mobility Plan. I am against this as I believe it is not Metro’s job to handle road maintenance and Metro’s taxes should be used primarily for mass transit and HOV/HOT lanes.
I am in favor of all five Houston bond propositions (A, B, C, D, and E).
Finally, I support re-electing Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They are unlikely to carry Texas, but I will be voting for them on principle anyway.